I spent 10 days in Sun City West with my folks while Steve toiled away in the wine cellar of "the castle" in Prescott. This is the result of his labor so far. The unit with the diamond-shaped compartments will be painted on the inside and faced on the top and edges with the same redwood that the tall wine racks are made of. The rack on the left will actually go in the unseen corner to the left, and Steve will build a corner unit for the corner that rack is now standing in, if that makes sense. There will also be shelves built and hung above the diamond unit. Then eventually, more and different kinds of racks and shelves on the opposite wall. You can't see it in this picture, but one whole wall is made of stone with a drip system hidden behind it, so that water can seep down like on the inside of a a cave. Very cool! While he was measuring, sawing, and sanding, I was hanging out with my folks. It was low-key but fun. My mom and I went to a spring training game in Surprise. AZ Diamondbacks vs the Texas Rangers. It is a beautiful stadium, and we had great seats on the 3rd base line, just to the left of the D'Backs' dugout. We got close-up views of them warming up as well as in action. I was a huge Tigers fan growing up in Detroit, back in the days of Kaline, Cash, and Colovito (okay, and Maris and Mantle too), and it was fun to see the big-leaguers in action again.
The picture of Lake Powell is supposed to be down here, instead of up there. . .oh well. That's where we spent the night heading home, after we left Prescott on Monday. It's called Lone Rock, and is in the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, just north of Wahweap. We camped right on the beach. It was very beautiful and uncrowded--maybe three others camped on the whole beach. There were a few boats out in the lake, but it was too cold for water sports. At least that's what we thought-apparently we were wrong. Late in the afternoon, we heard the roar of an engine, and looked out the window of The Palms to see a pick up truck racing right along the shoreline. Not far behind and off to the side a little, in maybe a foot of water, was a boogie boarder, his tow rope tethered to the back of the pickup. Now that was something I'd never seen before!
We got home Tuesday, and today is Saturday. We've been cleaning out the RV and settling back into life at home. Tune in again next trip--June and July on the Oregon coast, including the Navion/View Rally. Till then, hope all your own trails are happy.