Photos of glass flowers at Edge Gallery in Newport and Heceta Head lighthouse near Cape Perpetua, on the way to Florence.

Yesterday, as Ellie and I were heading out on our morning walk, we we confronted by a small girl, maybe six years old, clad in flowered pink flannel pajamas and clutching a single-serving size box of Trix cereal. She looked at Ellie and said,"Is that a boy dog or a girl dog?" "It's a girl," I replied. "Her name is Ellie." Ellie, meantime, was eyeing the cereal box with interest. The little girl noticed this and raised the box higher. "She can't have my cereal." "Okay," said I. "but she does tricks. If you let me have one, I'll show you." She thought about this for a moment. "Okay, she said finally. "But just one." She reached into the box and come up with a single, bright yellow Trix puff, which she handed to me. Almost before I could even say "Ask Nicely," Ellie was sitting up, front paws in the air, head cocked. I tossed her the treat. Pink Jammies reached into her box again. "One more," she said. I asked Ellie to "shake," first one paw than the other, and tossed her the Trix. " 'Nother one," demanded the girl, and, at my request, gave me two Trix this time. I put Ellie in the "down" position, and placed one Trix on each snowy paw, told her to "Wait." She stared straight ahead, not daring to look for fear she would be tempted. "Okay." She daintily nibbled them up. "That's all," I told the girl. "Thanks for sharing your cereal." As Ellie and I continued on our way, I saw her running back to her camp, shouting, "Mom, Mom, that dog does TRICKS!" I heard Mom reply, "Well, you gave her TRIX."
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