The aquarium, located right on Monterey Bay, is absolutely wonderful. The tickets, at $29.95 for adults, are pricey, but even Steve had to admit that they were worth every penny. Each display was more beautifully done than the last. Around every corner was something that took your breath away. Steve's favorite was Makana, a two year old female albatross, that was rescued from the ocean, unable to fly because of a dislocated carpace (bird wrist) that will never heal. She is on display at the aquarium, and is very cool. She looks like a huge seagull, but her wingspan is more than six feet across, and she is one of the smaller species of albatross--some of them have a wingspan of 12 feet! Her name, Makana, means "gift" in Hawaiian. My favorite was the new "Secret Life of Seahorses" exhibit, that opened a few months ago. Look closely at the photo that looks like plants. Steve walked right by it, not realizing that they weren't plants, they were sea dragons!!! They have beautiful green, wavy fins that look like leaves, and thus are expertly camoflauged in the ocean. I could have stayed at the aquarium all day.

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